What is Earth Healing?

So this term Earth Healing? Does it just mean to heal the Earth?

Well yes! and no - there is a lot more to it than that. I mean who are we to decide what is best for the planet as a whole and for her longevity? We may think we know what is best, what would do least physical damage to her, or what would suit us - perhaps?

But to become an Earth Healer is to be the essence of the Earth herself, to feel within you what she feels within her. To tune into her energy and ask what it is that she needs, what will restore natural harmony, what will help her to thrive. As we do this work and help the planet to heal, assist in the finding of balance, working with her as one, we too heal and thrive.

When we find a place of harmony in our own lives, we can help others to do the same. We can show our friends, family and clients what it means to live tuned into the energy of the natural world, to recognise when they are stuck or not thriving, so that they can free themselves and create nurturing and loving environments to feel well and appreciate life.

Its a way of being, a work of service, a fulfilling vocation. It helps you, it helps others and it helps the Earth.




Envisioning your life