Geopathic Stress

Geopathic stress is caused where there is a disharmony with the Earth’s natural magnetic field often due to our activities such as tree-felling, excavation, quarrying, etc. The stress travels along the Earth’s natural energy lines & underground streams and can gather in our houses, held in by our walls, windows and doors, and getting stuck in our clutter. The effects of this stress on our health is to generally feel low, stuck in life, unsettled and frustrated. In some cases this can lead to depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomyelitis (M.E.).

In our gardens, plants like nettles and elder will thrive and then there maybe patches where nothing will grow. Wasps, ants and cats are all attracted to the feeling from geopathic stress - look out for where they like to be. Dogs and most other animals don’t like geopathic stress - are there areas where they avoid?

Geopathic stress can sit in our land too. It can affect the growth of the plants and trees in the area and cause recurring sickness in the animals living off the land.

If you think you might be living in Geopathic stress or would like to have your home or land checked then get in touch for a chat or you might be interested in the new Gaia Love course and learn how to heal your own property.


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