Vibrational Energy Healing - Practitioner Course

Are you drawn to a new direction?

This course offers you an in-depth study into the energetic healing of a person’s energy field. The course comprises of eight parts:

The Chakra System – When the chakras form in our lives, how it feels when they are in balance and out of balance, dowsing with a pendulum

The Aura and Vibrations – the different layers of the aura, emotional vibrations and resonance within the energy field, past experiences and healing karmic wounds

Crystals – tuning into crystals for healing, healing the chakras, clearing the aura

Sound and Frequencies – different instruments and different sounds - singing bowls, chimes, voice, drum, rattle

Plant medicines – the laying on of herbs, burning herbs and plants in ceremony

Distance Healing - creating and working with crystal grids, creating your own altar, working with prayers

A Healing Session - Work diligence and ethics, practical information

Practitioner Process - Start to finish process

The course can take you to being an certified practitioner of Energy Healing if that is the direction you choose to take. This will require the completion of six case studies and a reflective piece describing your journey through the course.

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