Spirit of Home Workshop

A workshop to reconnect you with your home so that you can live in a space that you love and that loves you back.

In this workshop we will take an in-depth look into the energy of your home and how you connect with your physical world.

Your will learn:

- how to connect with the spirit of your home and the spirits of the land

- how to find and repair the dis-connection you may have with your house

- to recognise your home reflects your well-being.

- that simple changes in your environment can have big impacts on your life

- how to recognise where you are holding on to the past

- ways in which you can happily let go and release your stuff

There will be inner journey work, ceremony and a supported space for you to create a home that nourishes you and nurtures your wellbeing.

You’ll receive details of any preparations you need to make to fully immerse yourself in the energy of the day. Cost £125.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

If you have any questions, email me here or message me here

"Sheila guided me beautifully through my house and it's reflection of me. I gained some brilliant in sights and practicle tools to bring about healing and change for both myself and my home. As well as all the learning I thoroughly enjoyed the day, it was light-hearted whilst being deep and informative at the same time." Jayne

‘Thank you Sheila, what an absolutely fascinating workshop. I had no idea what impact the day would have on me - my home is about to be transformed.’ - Sandra

‘I thoroughly enjoyed the Spirit of the Home workshop and it was a real insight to how we treat our homes affects our overall wellbeing….. this course provided me with a reconnection to my house and environment.’ – Karen

‘Great course, a thought provoking insight into how our homes are a reflection of ourselves & vice versa. Practical advice on how we can help ourselves lighten our load. Thank you Sheila’ - Ed