What is Energy Healing?

‘Energy Healing’ is a term that is used a lot these days. We use the word ‘energy’ for so many things in our lives, from the ‘energy’ to heat our homes, ourselves not having enough ‘energy’ to do something, people having positive ‘energy’, places having negative ‘energy’ - it can be very confusing! I hope this helps…

Everything is energy. All things are moving, just vibrating at different frequencies.

There are lots of different types of ‘Energy Healing’ practices, for example, Sound Therapy, Aura Healing, Bioenergy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Healing touch, Quantum Healing, Shamanic Healing, Reiki, etc. If you are looking for someone to help you then I suggest you look into the types of practice that resonate with you and find someone that you are drawn to, that you feel is a good fit for you.

If you call upon the help of an ‘Energy Healer’ they will be working in your energy field or your ‘aura’ which surrounds your physical body. As this work is done on an ‘energetic’ level it this generally to do with that which is invisible to the naked eye. Simply, we can hold unwanted energy within our energy field which has a negative impact on our overall wellbeing, making us feel down, low or unwell.

The practitioner will identify the ‘energy’ or vibration that is not working in harmony with your body and use their method to clear that energy and repair your energy field. After a session, or series of sessions depending on what you are working on, you would hope to feel lighter, brighter, happier and more balanced.


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